Legal Solutions for Your Peace of Mind. Honest , Resourceful and Accomplished.

Specialized Divorce Services

High Net Worth Individuals

High net worth and ultra high net worth divorce requires a team of lawyers skilled at handling complex financial issues. At our firm, we are adept at identifying and dissecting complex legal issues related to the valuation of closely held businesses and corporate entities, analysis and validation of business expense deductions, partnership interests, professional vs. personal goodwill, pensions, intellectual property protection (i.e. trademarks, patents, copyrights), royalties, 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement accounts, residential and commercial real estate, stock, stock options, deferred compensation and profit-sharing interests, off-shore accounts, charge card, airline and other points and rewards, and more. We utilize highly-regarded business valuation experts, forensic accountants, vocational experts, and when necessary asset investigators, to assist with each such case. We do not wait until “trial preparation” to identify the requisite experts necessary to prevail. Rather, we engage business valuation and other experts early in the process to ensure that each client’s assets are properly protected and preserved, and consult with experts regularly to help devise settlement offers as early as possible in the process.

Politicians & Political Figures:

We understand that nothing matters more to politicians and political figures facing a family crisis than knowing that your privacy is secure with the firm you entrust to help you through a challenging situation. Confidentiality/Integrity is the cornerstone of our firm. At our office, we work to preserve your privacy, protect your reputation, and guide you seamlessly through a divorce, or other family crisis with precision. It takes effective legal and communication strategies to effectively manage a personal or family crisis. The sooner you call the sooner we can intervene and help. Whether you are a politician, political figure, lobbyist --or are the spouse of someone who does, we are seasoned in political affairs and understand what it takes keep matters strictly confidential, while still fighting for you through aggressive advocacy and strategic communication and crisis management. We offer a sophisticated blend of legal analysis, communications expertise and media strategies to help clients achieve desired results.

Our goal is to keep your case out of court and resolve it as swiftly as possible through successful negotiations and leverage. We have experts on hand to value pensions, real estate, royalties and other assets swiftly in order to facilitate a quick settlement. We are adept at negotiating and drafting settlement agreements, and pledge to leave no stone unturned. We include confidentiality clauses in nearly every case of this nature because preserving your reputation matters. There are times, however, when settlement is not practical, and in those instances, our team of lawyers are prepared to go to trial, and win.

Professional Athletes

As a professional athlete, you face pressure from every side--pressure to perform, pressure to be a model citizen or role model for others, pressure to manage your finances and fans. Our goal is to take the pressure off of your plate, and handle your divorce, child custody and child support matters for you. We understand that professional athletes face a unique set of issues when faced with divorce or child custody and support issues. We offer comprehensive legal strategies to help professional athletes achieve their goals, whether that includes fighting for child custody, defending against unrealistic child support demands and paternity suits, or the improper use of the athlete’s likeness and images. In addition, our firm includes confidentiality clauses and restrictions on social media postings related to the case.

We work in partnership with the athletes’ business manager, financial advisors, tax advisors and agent to develop a case plan that enables us to negotiate and settle your case as quickly as possible.

Our goal is to move swiftly toward settlement so that you retain the bulk of your hard-earned money in your pocket. 

Physicians/Law Firm Partners/Lawyers/Judges

Confidentiality is the cornerstone of the legal profession. We are proficient in the law, both civil procedure and substantively, excel at persuasive legal writing and oral advocacy, and take extraordinary legal measures to ensure client confidentiality.. Hence, we aim to work efficiently and swiftly, and take care of the time-consuming tasks such as preparing Answers to Interrogatories, sorting, organizing and preparing documents for production, obtaining documents from the other side, and more. Our goal is for you to remove the burden of preparing for “litigation” or “negotiations” from your plate, so that you can focus on your business, billable hours, and your clients and overall wellbeing.

There are a unique set of issues that accompany representing law firm partners, whether at small, medium or large-sized firms. Valuing partnership interests, identifying and valuing “professional goodwill” versus “personal goodwill”, determining the marital share of the partnership interests, stock options, capital contributions and deferred compensation are all part of the process of the dissolution of a marriage. We utilize highly-regarded business valuation experts, forensic accountants and when necessary asset investigators, to assist with each such case. We do not wait until “trial” to identify the requisite experts necessary to prevail. Rather, we engage business valuation and other experts early in the process to ensure that each client’s interests/assets are properly protected and preserved. We consult with experts to help devise the best possible settlement offer, and also ensure we are prepared for trial--early--in the event that a settlement is not possible. We believe in preparation; we are committed to your success.

The same applies to the medical profession. We have represented a number of physicians, dentists and surgeons where preserving privacy and protecting financial interests are paramount. We understand that physicians have no time to waste, which is the reason we develop a strategy for your case designed to protect your practice, and execute. The sooner you call, the sooner we can help. If you are looking for seasoned divorce and family lawyers with experience representing professionals in the medical and legal professions.


In the world of CEOs, time is money. For this reason, we utilize technology to ensure we provide efficient, cost-effective divorce and family law services to our clients. We realize that you have enough on your plate. Let us focus on your legal matters, strategies and execution while you tend to your business, focus on your emotional and physical well-being. We understand that nothing is more important to you than protecting your hard earned assets, or the business you have poured your blood, sweat and tears into building over the years. We take the time to meet with you to learn as much as possible about your business, partnership structure, capital contributions, intellectual property and more, and devise strategies protect your ownership interests to the extent possible or otherwise minimize risk exposure.

We employ reputable business valuation experts and tax consultants to opine as to the value of our client’s business interest, legitimize business deductions to ensure an accurate assessment of gross income for the purpose of calculating alimony and/or child support, valuing stock, stock options and deferred compensation, and assessing the professional vs. personal goodwill associated with your business to ensure that only the “marital share” is subject to division. We are equally diligent about ensuring that the supporting spouse receives the share to which he or she is entitled based upon contributions to the maintenance of the family and household. With such experienced divorce lawyers on your side, we know how to develop the best strategies and leverage the proper team to maximize the opportunities for your success. We also understand the importance of maintaining utmost confidentiality; for that reason, we will never leave messages with your assistant, or send emails to addresses unless specifically designated for our use. We protect and preserve not just your hard-earned business, but also your privacy and reputation in the business community. As a CEO or high-level executive, there is nothing more important than preserving your name and reputation. We will go the “extra mile” to ensure that your privacy is never compromised.


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